Local Repair & Restoration
Lawrence Violins see my contact page
Jade J Schulz Violins
The Violin Shop, Kevin Smith
Robert Cauer Violins

David Bonney, New York Violin Consulting, Inc.

Violin Society of America

Makers' Forums - great discussions on a variety of instrument topics
Musical Instrument Makers Forum
The Violin Forum

Makers' Sites - you'll find a wealth of information about violin making within these sites
Violin Making by Hans Johannsson
Chris Johnson Violins - author of "The Art of Violin Making"
Antonio Rizzo Violins
David Rubio
Derek Roberts Violins
David T. Van Zandt - the most complete viollin-related resource links I've come across

Auction Houses - great source of images of antique instruments and information
Tarisio & Cozio Archives

Materials Sources - tools, woods, varnish, etc.
International Violin Company, Ltd. - they have it all and great prices, too
Dick Gmbh - fine tools and violin making materials (you'll need to register as an instrument maker to view their instrument making catalog)
E. Ciresa s.r.l. - spruce from Italy and maple from Bosnia

First Place
, musical instrument division,
Design in Wood competition 2003, 04, 05, & 06.
Best Use of Traditional Woodworking Techniques, Design in Wood competition 2005.
San Marcos man crafts award-winning violins 6/05 newspaper article.

Violin-related Literature
The Cremona Violin, by ETA Hoffman

Thanks to photographer,
Kerry Daggett , for photos my violins including the one which appears on the LawrenceViolins.Com banner.